Paska making!
While preparing for Easter, we'll be making Easter bread (paska) during the last week before this years spring break.
Our paska making days are:
Monday March 23, - Sonechko class (ALL children are welcome to attend)
Wednesday, March 25 - Veselka class (ALL children are welcome to attend).
Parents are welcome to bring in thier children on one of those days, even if it is not their regular class day. In this case, please let the teachers know in advance that your child is attending his/her class on one of these days so that know how much dough to prepare for each group of children. We will require special help on our paska making days. We encourage parents, babas, didos and any other relatives to come and join us in helping the children to make paskas. Please let the teachers know if you or your family members are able to assist.